by Jimmy Sorenson
Brett Wright had heard that the Provo was on fire so he called me and twisted my arm to go with him. We got on the water right at "sun-up" and started throwing "dries". We could not get any takers so I switched over to a nymph rig. I caught a brown on an egg pattern with a san juan dropper. He took the egg pattern! Here is a video of him...
Brett caught a few on streamers. Then we moved upstream a couple hundred yards to a nice hole where Brett had caught a few on a mating midge pattern. I threw my egg pattern in and hooked up with 3 browns in like 10 min. I did not hook them very well and all 3 got off. I think they were taking it out of aggression and they were being territorial to another egg coming into their "hole".
We decided to head downstream under and fish just out from under a bridge with a big back eddie. We fished there for the rest of the afternoon and caught them on zebra midges, soft hackles, and size 20 BWO's. We caught about 30 fish in the 6-7 hrs we fished so it was a good day to be on the water!
Mad BWO hatch started around 12pm. See videos and pics below
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