So the wife and kids were still out of town so I thought I would run up to Kolob Res after work. I left St. George about 4:30 and started fishing at about 6:30. The water is low probably a good 5-6 ft below the spillway. It was around 70 degrees when I arrived with very little wind. I was surprised because when I left Hurricane it was blowing about 50 MPH but I lucked out :). I fished starting at the spillway north to the top of the corner. I tried an egg pattern with a pheasant tail dropper for 30-45 mins with nothing. Then I switched to brown nympth and tried that for a while with nothing. So I decided to switch to a black bugger. After about 10 mins I caught my first fish. Pretty nice fat rainbow probably 15 maybe 16 inches. Here is a pic of the first fish:
By this time it was about 7:30. I kept fishing with no luck for probably the next 40 mins until just a little past 8. I kept trying different droppers during this stretch just to see if I could up my odds a little. By this time I had been fishing almost 2 hours and only had one fish to show for it. I kept thinking to myself come on at least just catch one more so that you can say you caught a couple ha. Well a little after 8 things started to pick up. I ended up catching this nice little cut throat with small hump back. Beauty of a fish probably 16+ going of the rod shot.
By this time I was feeling pretty good I had caught two with some more fishing light to go. I could see the fish about 5 ft from the shore up ahead of me with quite a bit of action going on as far as fish jumping or rising. So I slowly moved myself into position and cast into the action and bam!fish on! only problem is when I went to set my hook my fly broke off. I got a glimpse of it at the surface and it looked like a nice once. By this time the sun was just barely peeking over the west hillside across the lake and so I tied a another black bugger on. I noticed that if I didn't put a bead headed bugger on left the dropper off that I could get a little closer to the shore line and strip it across the action zone better without getting snagged. I had probably lost 3 flys by this point. As soon as I got my next black bugger tied on I threw it out and started stripping in. On my probably 3rd cast I landed this nice little rainbow probably only a 12 to 13 incher.
As you can see by the pics that is was getting pretty dark. I could barley see my indicator at this point and had to keep my casts directly in the fading light of the sun so that I could see the action. After the fish I lost and this one that I had just caught I said to myself Ken you are not leaving until it is just plain too dark to see anything. I was so excited at this point and I was in such a hurry and I guess you could say the darkness might of played a role that I started fishing again and snapped my fly off getting in too big of a hurry or something. I was like crap its almost dark and Im running out of flys but I was determined to keep going. Needless to say I spent the next 4-5 mins tying a new fly on holding the line up into the sky where I could just barley see the sunlight still fading behind the mountain. By the time I got the new fly on it was now even darker. I cast out and could just barley see my indicator I stripped in and nothing. I tried it again and lost my indicator in a slight breeze that came up because of the stupid waves. I was like crap Im just going to have to pack it in I guess. I stripped it in and then saw some action over to my left about 10 feet out from shore. Well when you see a fish it is almost impossible to pass on one more cast just for good measure. So I cast out over towards where I saw the fish I could see my indicator right at first but then lost it, too dark, and a little breeze was making it hard with the small waves I kept stripping really slow partly because I didn't want to have to call it quits :) By this time I couldn't see anything and so I just decided to start pulling it in to go home. Right when I pulled that first time, Fish ON! And thats when I pulled the best fish of the night this beautiful male rainbow with gorgeous colors and a big old kyped jaw. I would say he was about 18+, Nice fish really long just kind of skinny. All in all a really fun evening: