Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall Fishing Boulder Mountain Utah Sept 26-28

18 inch Brookie, Blind Lake
So we were itching to do a Boulder Mountain fishing trip this year. It worked out that we could go on Sept 26-28. Jimmy couldn't make it but we decided to go anyway. Even though he is the life of the part we couldn't pass on the opportunity.
Nate and I headed up Thurs morning, stopped in Richfield for some supplies and then we were on our way. Dad decided to come and so he booked a cabin for us just at the base of the mountain. We stayed there one time before a couple of years ago. It is called Uncle Earls Cabin. Great place to stay close to the mountain and the north slope road.

We arrived the cabin around 3pm unloaded our bags and the ranger and headed up the north slope road. We had planned on fishing Honeymoon for that evening. A cold front had moved in and it was lets say just a little chilly. We were thinking this should be good for fishing. It tooks us about 35 mins to get to to Fish Creek and then another 20 mins to hike over to Honeymoon. We fished for a couple of hours but didn't even get as much as a bite. We saw just a little bit of action but not much. So I am not sure how many fish are in there. On the way back to the Ranger we fished Fish Creek for maybe an hour. We saw a lot of action but couldn't get any to bite.

Friday we got up ate and headed up the mountain again. We drove over to green lake but it didn't look very promising so we decided to fish Blind. We have heard that Blind can be good and holds some big fish. We drove as far as we could on the Ranger and then got out and hiked the rest of the way. We ended up packing our little raft and electric motor in. It sounds crazy but we though why not it is a half of a mile and it might have us a better chance of catching some fish. We fished all morning I caught a little brookie, cut, and bow on a purple streamer. We stopped for lunch and built a fire. It was about 25 degrees all day with wind and a few small snow flurries. After lunch we went over to the south side of the lake fished from shore but didn't have any luck. We decided to get back in our raft and drag some streamers around while it was getting dark. Dad ended up catching a couple, Nate caught one, and I caught one more brookie that 18 incher above. I think this fish made the trip for me. I caught it on a black marabou jig.

Sat we drove over the Pine Creek hiked up and fished for about 2-3 hours. Saw a lot of fish but couldn't get them to bite. It was kind of a slow fishing trip. For 3 days of fishing I think we only caught 7-8 fish total out of all 3 of us. Here is some footage from the trip Enjoy!

Honeymoon not much action, didn't catch anything
Nate getting after it! 

Fish Creek Lake, Beautiful Fall Colors

There is  Mountain Goat if you look close

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Minersville Reservoir and Yankee Meadows Reservoir

Jimmy, Nate, and I have been itching to do some fall fishing. We had an opportunity to go on Thurs Sept 19th. We had such a fun time at Minersville last fall that we thought we would give it a try. Jimmy drove down from SLC and I drove up from St. George to meet him there around 7:30 am. We fished for about an hour and half with no bite. I think we were a tad too early. I guess that is what you get when you are impatient. The water temp was about 65-67 degrees still so it is no wonder the fishing is still kind of slow right now. We tried streamers, and midges, no dry flies. After an hour and half with not even a bite we decided to run up to Yankee Meadows Reservoir. Nate was just on his way up since he couldn't get away as early so we called him and told him to meet us at Yankee. Yankee is significantly higher in elevation 8,660 according to the DWR website. Here is the DWR webpage for Yankee it can give you a little more info:

The water temp was about 55 degrees which I hear is when the trout start perking up and becoming more active. We fished for about 3 hours and caught 11 fish so it was a lot better than Minersville. They were hitting purple, green, and black wooly buggers. We caught around 5 bows, 5 cuts, and 1 brookie. It was gorgeous up there as the leaves were changing and it seems like fishing will pick up in the next couple of weeks as it gets even cooler. Also you will probably do better with midges in the next couple of weeks. Here are few pics from our trip.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lilly Lake & Mirror Lake Fishing Report Sept 17th 2013

Brett and Bryan Wright and I headed up to the Uintas to do a little "float-tubin" on Sept 17th.  We got up there first thing in the morning and started fishing at Lilly lake.  I was using my intermediate line and was snagging on the bottom on certain parts of the lake so i know it is not a very deep lake.  We caught a few there...I caught a small tiger trout there and Bryan caught a few rainbows.  After about an hour or so we thought we should try our luck at Mirror Lake.  So we packed up and headed over to Mirror a couple of miles down the road.  The leaves were changing up there, such a beautiful highway!  A storm was trying to roll in on us, the clouds were moving faster than i have ever seen clouds move!  I hooked up my sonar to my floattube this time and found that most of the fish were either hugging the bottom or sitting on top.  Fish were mainly marking in the 13-14 ft range, did not find any marking at deeper depths.  We were using wooly buggers, purples, browns, blacks, etc...I think we ended up catching around 12-13 fish.  We caught 4 species that day, rainbows, cuts, a brookie and one tiger.  The fish were not big by any means, probably ranging from 10-12 inches

Here are some pics from our trip...

Boulder Mountain Guide

I have been doing some research lately on the boulder mountain and wanted to track a couple of websites I have found and a few things that I have found so that I can refer back to them later. Nate and I are heading up to the boulder next week and we are trying to make sure we know the best place to go and what to use. Here are few other sites that we have found helpful:
Great post on Blind Lake, nice pics.
New Utah Brook Trout Record came from the boulder. Using a marabou jig. (black?)
These guys fished tons of lakes on the boulder the beginning of 2013. Nice reports on a bunch of different lakes they fished.
This site is a great resource as well. This is a guiding service out of Torrey UT.